To teach the candidate the skills required to undertake and record basic observations/vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure) and to be able to identify when medical referral may be required.
Providing the knowledge and skills to increase staff confidence, focusing on person-centred care to support clients in the management of their diabetes
Enteral Tubes (P.E.G/Button/Rig and safe administration of medicines via this route)
To promote correct and safe management of enteral tubes and to gain knowledge of dysphagia and why gastrostomy and P.E.G./RIG/Button feeding may be required.
To increase skills and confidence and to address the importance of person centred care, to be able to support the client in the management of their spinal injury
To teach the candidate the correct, safe way to administer inhalers and nebulisers and gain the knowledge and confidence to be able to use this skill within the workplace.