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Neurological Conditions 


Brain Injury Awareness

To enhance knowledge and confidence in staff to enable them to work with a personalised approach and assist those they support to achieve health and well-being.


Person Centered Care Planning

To enable staff to improve the quality of their care planning and clients' assessment of needs, in line with statutory requirements and best practise.


Epilepsy and Seizure Management

To gain awareness and knowledge of epilepsy and the skills and confidence required in relation to person-centred epilepsy management.


Neurological Conditions

To gain an understanding of neurological conditions: the differing presentations and management of symptoms to promote person-centred care


Enteral Tubes (P.E.G/ RIG)

To promote correct and safe management of enteral tubes and to gain knowledge of dysphagia and why gastrostomy and P.E.G./RIG/Button feeding may be required.


End of Life Care, ACP, ReSPECT/ DNACPR

To promote the understanding and good practice required to working positively with someone with a life limiting condition, to live well until the end of life.


Record Keeping & Documentation

To ensure staff and careers are aware of their responsibilities and accountabilities in line with statutory guidelines, best practice and legal requirements and be able to clearly evidence that care is assessed, planned and delivered.


Dementia Awareness

To assist new staff in understanding some of the different types of dementia and the impact on the lives of those who are living with and/or caring for people with dementia. We will discuss the importance of respect and compassion and developing care skills to promote health and well-being

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